Friday, 14 August 2009

Role Model

My mother (who has been featured on this blog a couple of times before) and I were having a look through a tin of old photos a few days ago when we came across this magazine clipping. Andrew Collinge is one of the hair dressers with his own line of products out here in the UK (I've got one of his hair dryers and it's rather good), and back in the day my mum trained as a hair dresser at his salon. I'm not sure what magazine this came from but she was used in the feature which is pretty exciting! No prizes for guessing that this was some time in the 80's.
Below on the right is my mummy!
I wish I was that hot.
P.S. Has anyone else heard of the plans for Coronation Street: The Musical? How utterly ridiculous.


  1. Love these pics! I aspire to have hair that big!


  2. Aw how cool! Your mom was/is so cool! I remember when my mom had a big perm too. Oh the 80s. I just wish she kept some of her old clothes!

    Also...I don't believe you for one second that a leather vest makes you look butch! Impossible! Though having said that, when I wear my rayban style sunnies from UO, it looks like I should have a Harley sitting on the drive lol. I'm going to wear the shades anyway!

  3. Shut. up. Coronation Street the musical. Oh my god. let's never speak of it again.

    You have got one ridiculously cool mother my friend!!

    nicola xx

  4. ooo wow. your mom is gorgeous. that's pretty cool though, to find this little piece of your mom's past.

  5. Look at all of that awesome hair!! hehehee :D

  6. those hairstyles are all so exquisite, haha :)) your mother must be a really great person :)

    and no, i haven't heard of that :\

    lovely blog <3

  7. Your mom has the coolest hair. And she's uber pretty. How fun to have found something so amazing - frame it! :)

  8. The hair is amazing, i never know what to do with hair. How did you get a background on your blog?

    x x x x

  9. This is so great. I would definitively have it framed.

  10. oh dear coronation street musical! what has the world come to!! thanks for the comment btw, and the photos are from when i went to york ♥

  11. Your mother's style is wonderful! I love this post!

  12. great blog! just came across.. very cool

  13. Your mother is beautiful!!! And I think you are just as pretty as your mom!!

  14. Oh wow, I love these pics! Great shot of your mum! I remember as a child when I passed really old-fashioned cheesy hair salons, they would often still have lookbooks or posters from the 80s with the most incredibly crazy do's. I always wondered how much hairspray was involved ;-)

    P.S. WHY would they want to turn Coronation St. into a musical? Not every tv show is meant for the stage...
