Monday, 13 July 2009

Back in the Day

It was my sister's 18th this weekend, which meant lots of looking through photo albums trying to find embarrassing pictures. I picked out a couple I loved to stick on here.
This was on holiday in Portugal I think. I loved being a tiger and this was my favourite dress as a child. We had two ducklings at one point though and I remember one of them pooed on it.
The good old Barbie jeep - this made loads of noise when it was being driven around, much to the delight of the neighbours. When we got to heavy for it, my dad put a HUGE battery in it to make it go faster and my sister and I used to sit with our legs over the bonnet, one hand steering and the other pressing the accelerator because our legs would no longer fit into it.
My nan has got a pool and all of the kids from next door used to come round to play every weekend. I'm second from the right and my sister is second from the left. In between swimming, we used to raid my nan's makeup drawer and do "egyptian style" makeup. I wish there was a picture of that.
A pretty funky party dress. This is me and my sister as a chunky baby.
My mum and dad back in the day - check out her jumper - so eighties. I wish she still had it.
And finally my dad in what I think are Ray Ban Clubmasters first time round. I wish he'd kept all of his sunglasses - he would have had a massive collection of Ray Bans by now!
I think summer time in the UK is officially over because it just has not stopped raining. Hope everyone else is experiencing better weather!


  1. These photos are adorable. I especially like the barbie jeep. I want one so badly, but never got one.


    You look really good in pink!

  3. These pics are so sweet! I especially love the one with you holding your sis as a baby :)

  4. ohh these pics are so sweet,i love the first pic the most, you're so cute!
    btw, we are having the summer time in Hong Kong, gosh!it's frickin' hot here:S

  5. I love all of these pictures! And I was totally deathly jealous of anyone who had a Power Wheels jeep. All the spoiled kids with divorced parents had them. I still remember the commercials too.

    BTW, I taaaaagged you!

  6. all of these photos are so much to look at!
    i especially love the swimming pool one as well as the one
    of your dad lounging on a beach chair(:


  7. Those photos are so cute and lovely. ;D You and your sister are so pretty. And your mom's jumper was so amazing. ;D Thanks for sharing this post. Have a good day. ;D

    Travel and Living
    Job Hunt Pinoy

  8. awesome barbie jeep.
    the photos are so cute.
