Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Back at Last

Oh, I have missed blogging! I've been feeling rather guilty about neglecting it but I have been working literally seven days a weeks for the past fortnight and also moving out of my uni flat, so as you can imagine, life has been a little chaotic. I had to do four car trips home with all the junk I had stashed in my room, and carrying it all out made me hate myself for all of the impulse buys from the past year.

These pictures were taken on Saturday night, it is what I wore to a friends 21st, held at a suite in the grounds of Liverpool Football Club. We thought it was a buffet sort of thing so arrived about an hour after the invite stated, but it turned out to be a sit down meal and everyone had already finished their starters by the time we got there.. oops!




This is my Nanna Marj and I at the party - She's completely insane but makes a wonderful cup of tea and always has a massive supply of cakes to accompany it.

The dress actually belonged to my other Nanna who wore it for her 40th birthday I think and then gave it to me because she never wears it any more. I love wearing it because it's very elegant. I also managed to wear the Viv Westwood shoes without them crippling me! For events when it's mostly just sitting, they are fine.

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Stolen Thunder

About a month ago the lovely people at Stolen Thunder got in touch with me and asked me if I wanted to be on their fanspace - of course I said yes because I've admired their creations many a time in a shop in Liverpool, plus they are offering 10% off should you wish to purchase anything in the next two weeks - just use the code above!
They did give me some little buttons to direct you to the fanspace and their online boutique but for some reason my computer doesn't want them to work, so if you want to see the interview I did click here, and if you fancy a spot of shopping, then click here! Their jewellery is so cute and really makes me wish I was going to a festival this year.
Winging it's way to me very shortly will be this little lovely. How cute is the packaging?
Love it!

Thursday, 11 June 2009


I've been way too sad to blog this week. I finally got my hands on a pair of Viv Westwood Lady Dragon Heart shoes, and it turns out they are a form of torture for the feet. To be fair I did try to trek into town in them and any fool can look at them and see that they are strictly for sitting down. I'll have to reserve them for meals and drinks rather than dancing the night away or shopping, which is a shame.

On the brighter side of things, I rediscovered a pair of Kurt Geiger sandals I haven't worn since I went to the South of France back in September and I love them so much. I also bought a pair of teal deck shoes today. I'm looking forward to wearing them, but also slightly concerned because my Dad is a big fan of deck shoes and always has been, and we also have the same pair of Ray Bans. Matching clothes for father and daughter? Not a good look.




This is my 40th post - it's taken me a while! But I'd just like to thank everyone who looks and comments on here because I do enjoy reading them all and appreciate you stopping by!

Thursday, 4 June 2009

BBQ Time!

The weather has been delightful this week and like thousands of other Brits across the country, at the first glimpse of sunshine we ran off to buy burgers, buns and disposable BBQs (I wanted to buy a real one for the bargain price of £16.99 but wasn't allowed for ridiculous reasons). We actually had to go to three different places to hunt for them in the end because they had sold out everywhere - it would have been much easier to buy the one from Argos that I wanted. I'm always right. It was also a bit of a celebration because the grass finally got cut at my boyfriend's and one of his housemates decorated the garden with balloons which looked lovely!

I chose to wear this dress because of the masses of material around the stomach area which meant that I would be able to stuff my face without being restricted at all.






Dress and Necklace - H&M, Shoes - New Look, Sunglasses - Ray Ban

When I bought this dress last week, they actually left the security tag on it so I had to take it back to get it removed. For one terrible moment I thought I'd lost the receipt - What on earth would I have done then? Fortunately I found it so the crisis was averted.